broward county

  1. clem_bonna

    Looking for South Florida Tech Dive Centers for Normoxic Trimix and Prerequisite Certifications - November Trip

    Good afternoon Scubaboard community, I am looking for technical dive centers in South Florida (Miami to West Palm Beach preferred, but I am willing to expand my search). I am coming around the 20th of November for about 10 days to a few weeks (still unclear). I live in a place that doesn't...
  2. Adam Nardelli

    New plans to enhance the Okinawa shipwreck in Broward county, Florida

    There are plans to enhance the site around the Okinawa ship wreck, located just south of the Hilsboro inlet in Deerfield, Florida. However, the artificial reef program led by the county relies entirely upon donations to create these sites. We are seeking monetary support to help make this dive...
  3. Adam Nardelli

    New Artificial Reef Site at the Okinawa wreck in Broward County Florida

    There are plans to enhance the site around the Okinawa ship wreck, located just south of the Hilsboro inlet in Deerfield, Florida. However, the artificial reef program led by the county relies entirely upon donations to create these sites. We are seeking monetary support to help make this dive...
  4. saltylocs

    Hello from sunny South Florida

    Chiming in from South Florida, AOW diver doing mostly beach diving in Broward County. I'm under the ocean as much as my schedule and the weather allows. Which usually means most weekends and a weekday every now and again.
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