black water diving

  1. afieldofblue

    Bonfire Dive - Amed, Bali

    Some footage from 3 bonfire (light-trap) dive experiments on the shores of east Bali's Lombok Strait. Dives were done with very basic setup, using some dive lights (less roughly 5000 lumen in total...) as lures, suspended on a deep mooring line Equipment used...
  2. adiverslife

    A Diver's Life - Night Creatures video

    Filmed In Bonaire: A lot of macro cinematography of some very cool creatures some of which involve Black Water video. You will see a rare to see redspotted siphonphore, a 1 cm long octopus, frogfish, and a whole lot more. Also included are some beautiful wide angle shots of our amazing Bonaire...
  3. afieldofblue

    Blue Water Macro Dive - Amed, Bali

    Here's a little something I shot last week, two days after the full-moon in east Bali, on the Lombok Strait. Going to my usual critter hunting spot, I expected to spend the dive on the black sand as usual. But as I reached the edge of the plateau and the sandy-slope facing the deep waters...
  4. Laval

    Trip Report Amazing Critters of Anilao, A Dive Guide's Must-See Critters

    Amazing Critters of Anilao, A Dive Guide's Must-See Critters In this video, we will explore five unique critters, including rhinopias, pygmy seahorse, harlequin shrimp, skeleton shrimp, and the very rare ghost nudibranch, or Melibe Colemani. Our dive guide, Jimson, will provide an overview of...
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