
  1. klspicoli

    Closed Aqualung ABS Octo $60

    Used, one owner. Not from a rental fleet. Good condition. Stainless Steel build. Includes some service records and manual. $60 including domestic shipping.
  2. D-Rail

    Sold! Aqualung Legend LX Supreme, Aqualung ABS Octo, Oceanic Pro Plus 2 Dive Computer, Excellent Condition

    The Legend LX Supreme regulator and Aqualung ABS Octo are 2 years old and only have 20 freshwater quarry dives on them. They are in excellent condition. They were serviced in the fall of 2015 and have been stored and unused since then. The Oceanic Pro Plus 2 dive computer was purchased from...
  3. Budprop

    Diving an ABS

    I picked up a almost mint U.S. DIVERS ABS triple 30 system and the accompanying "Cousteau" BCD back in 1998 at a sports swap in Juneau, AK. I think the we're asking 125 and I ended up paying 120 with the hydro/vip included. I ended up draining them down to 600psi and hauling them from AK to WA...
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