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  1. aquajedi

    Duck Feet Fins

    Excerpt "In the early twentieth century watermen witnessed swim fins evolve from sticky palm fronds to meticulously manufactured tools. One of the largest steps in that process was taken by Arthur H. Brown. Arthur is described as an expert diver in his day. At the time, Churchill Swim Fins were...
  2. aquajedi

    Duck Feet Fins

    Here is the collection of research aided by Dr. Sam Miller. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to provide feedback. Thanks The History of: Duck Feet
  3. aquajedi

    Voit grandson

    I tried to find the user to see if they still had any products available. Any assistance would be great
  4. aquajedi

    Post-Soviet fins: Russian models 1

    I know this is a bit off the designated topic, but where did you get these from? And do you have more of their story?
  5. aquajedi

    Are full foot fins only for Snorkeling????

    Hi David, What are those open heel fins you posted? They look very similar to early Churchills, but not exactly.
  6. aquajedi

    Duck foot -fyi- history

    What is fascinating about this photo to me is the mold being used. I didn't realize they were producing the new version/mold of duck feet in 1951. Would these have been the mostly blue duck feet?
  7. aquajedi

    Duck foot -fyi- history

    That is unfortunate indeed. My inquiry is two-fold. I am genuinely interested in the beginnings of the swim fin industry and its pioneers. I am also putting together a possible article and would be happy to credit contributions that lead to more clarity/information. Thank you for your help.
  8. aquajedi

    Duck foot -fyi- history

    Does anyone have any further information/photos about Arthur Brown? I read somewhere that he moved to Florida, but I'm attempting to do some writing on this topic and would be delighted to find more information about him. Thanks!
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