Complete ACL rupture two weeks before dive holiday

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Brisbane Australia
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Hey all! Firstly, apologies. I posted about this yesterday, but asked the post be deleted an hour or so later as I was able to get to the surgeon for advice and didn't want to waste your time here until I'd gotten that input. So what I will instead post is a summary of what has happened, the advice I have received, and the decision I am making. If anyone would like to discuss this, I am all ears. If not, I hope this data is of use to anyone else who might experience this to help them make their own informed choices.


I have had a significant knee injury on a boat on the 21 Dec. My wife and I have a five week dive trip to the Philippines planned on the 03 Jan. I have decided to delay the trip by a week, reduce it to four weeks, and modify diving ambitions appropriately.


On the 21 Dec, after a couple of night dives, and after I had de-kitted and changed back into normal clothing, I was crossing the deck of a dive boat when a combo of a wave and my feet being both in puddles of water caused my legs to slide out from under me. Landed on my tailbone, hard. Immediate pain and an inability to move my left leg much (toes could wiggle). When the boat was docked and the deck stabilized, I attempted to stand. I felt a pop in my knee - this was probably the point at which the ACL completely ruptured. I was in much less pain after that.

I didn't want to wait in an ER on a Saturday night on a full moon, because I knew I would be triaged very low. So we headed home. Aprox 2hrs later I was in bed, with the leg compressed, iced, and elevated.

Went to an after hours doctor on Sunday for a MRI referral. MRI'd yesterday (Monday) and the report was generated at once, as after looking at the knee I was treated as a priority patient. Luckily, one of my friends is a top sports ortho surgeon (signed sports celebrity pics galore on his office walls, etc) and he was kind enough to read the report right away, and to see me this morning, Tues, Christmas Eve.


The ACL is a complete rupture, and there are two small meniscal tears. Some bone bruising etc. As far as ACL ruptures go, I'm lucky. Apparently the outer sheath is likely intact, which is why my knee has only moderate swelling. Side ligaments are OK. I'm feeling a bit unstable, but am able to walk with the leg bearing weight and can even balance on it with concentration. I've been on crutches and had the knee all braced up, just to clarify - as I'm being very cautious. But I will start to ease off now a little with that. Virtually no pain at all.

Given the stability I do have and the nature of the injury, the surgeon has advised that I will likely be walking OK in a fortnight, and that he feels my own comfort level should be my guide as I am not likely to further injure my knee by walking on or exercising it. He said if I could wait another week, he felt diving on the knee should be fine in relatively benign conditions, keeping an eye on what felt comfortable or not. I'm aware that frog kicks are likely to be quite impacted by this. He also made the point that at the end of the month of the trip I was likely to be much improved than at the start.

This was encouraging, and so I contacted DAN for further advice about the implications on DCS likelihood given that there is swelling, oedema, circulatory impacts and so on to the knee as it is. The advice there was that I am at an increased chance of getting a hit in this area, but it's pretty much anyone's guess as to what the increase might be given the dearth of data on diving and this injury type. I proposed the scenario of doing one dive per day at no more than 15m depth and staying well inside NDL limits. I plan to be very conservative, ice afterwards, etc. DAN were happy enough with that, and will continue their insurance coverage based on that understanding, and that if I do feel comfortable later in the trip ramping up the kind if diving I'm doing, I do it similarly sensibly.


I've been waiting all year for this trip, as has my wife and god knows we really need a holiday right now. What I definitely do not need is a DCS hit or to further injure myself in the Philippines. Weighing up these factors, I have decided to:

Delay the trip until circa the 10th of Jan (we have appropriate travel insurance covering injury etc) to heal up as much as possible beforehand. I will keep on anti infammatories, and ice etc very diligently. I will stay ambulatory, with a close eye on what is and is not comfortable to do.

For the first week of the trip, I will do no more than one shallow dive per day, very conservatively within NDLs. I'm aware that you can get hit in 10m of water completely undeserved etc, and that this is risk minimization only, but I consider this an acceptable risk. I will try to dive in as close to zero current as possible, and get a realistic idea of what my in-water abilities look like. I will ice after every dive.

I will adopt a similarly conservative approach to ramping up diving over the course of the month, bearing in mind that missing a dive is vastly preferable to getting bent. I don't envisage doing more than four dives per five day period as a hard limit, even if I feel more comfortable than that. And I will stay at or above 20m. And I will dive 32% nitrox where possible.

Weigh up the wisdom of ACL surgery later in the year.


I promised TS&M I'd write this up when I heard from the surgeon! There you have it :) I'm only too willing to listen to any and all advice. Things like getting up gangways to Bankas and so on I am happy to do on my butt if need be. I'm not too proud to face a bit of humiliation if it means not ruining my wife's trip, and if I can get wet here and there in the process, I will be very happy with that. I've had some very very memorable and pleasant shallow dives and am more than happy sticking to the tops of walls, etc.

We will have to re-plan the details of the trip from scratch. We originally wanted to do some deeper wreck stuff etc, but will re-orient the trip to more benign places. Thankfully, we both like muck and critters. I'm thinking we might revisit Moalboal, for example, as the bay there is shallow, has some good muck, and the house reefs in 5m or so have stuff like mandarinfish etc that I could hapily watch for hours. It's not the kind of diving we were ideally interested in doing again, but let's face it - a hell of a lot better than being grounded at home.

---------- Post added December 24th, 2013 at 02:10 PM ----------

Oh! And I will keep this thread updated with outcomes as I go, of course.
Thanks very much for the update.

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Bummer about the injury, been through multiple knee surgeries (moto-x induced) myself. Take care of those wheels, they tend to get more tender as the years pass ;) Hope you heel quickly.
I too ruptured my acl. Was 12 years ago. I highly recommend surgery to fix it as the instability is awful to just live with.

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT, let the surgeon use part of your own patellar tendon to replace your acl.

They did that to me. Then I slipped on ice a couple months later and my patella ruptured. Talk about pain. My knee cap was resting on the back of my knee, literally.

Doc had to go back in and replace everything with cadaver. My knee now has better function 12 years later than the one that is healthy.
i did my ACL reconstruction just this year at the end of april ( on one knee). the graft for the ACL was taken from my hammstring. day surgery but was need to stay overnight as i was put on general anastatic, which means i was knock out, but i feel asleep way before that as i was tired from worrying about it the night before
. I had a complete tear of my ACL with menicus damamged all over the place. In the world of these knee situation, my was consider an extensive surgery. I hold out for too long after my ACL torn and damaged the menius withmy wanton activities ( not dive related).

Stay overnight with some nice nurses ( plus point) then i was on 2 weeks of crutches with brace... Then off the crutches but on a brace to start physcio. this is the bomb. do it properly! do it deligently! after 1 month of physcio, i was able to be off the brace and walk with no pain at all. i took things easy for the next month or i was told the worst thing to happen is to tear it again so soon after the operation as things are still tender... on the 3th month i was told that i can go and run.. but i did not. did more physcio... and 4th month i took my first short run... 5th month.. i could swim.. back to my normal speed. 6th month.. i went diving. :) all was well!!

the doctors were impressed and pleased with me... now into the 8th month.. i can do almost anything... can't get away in dec due to work.. so i am planning a trip to maldives in feb.. all is well.

advise is... to rest well in the 1st 2 month... do what the physcio properly and deligently!!!
I tore my ACL about 12 years ago now. complete tear, plus meniscus damage, and a quite a bit of bone bruising and chipping. My knee was a right mess. I had surgery to fix it, using my hamstring as well. I've had no issues with me knee since then. Although I did take up diving about 8 years after the injury.
Thanks for the stories, all! I'm definitely thinking surgery will be the right thing to do, together with resting, as much as possible, the leg over the next couple of weeks before the trip, and then taking it VERY easy. I think while we are traveling porters etc are likely to make quite a bit of pocket money off us :)

I really am am all ears to any suggestions, and if anyone thinks I'm being a bloody fool am open to hearing about it.
I don't think you are being a bloody fool at all. My biggest fear would be managing dive gear on the pitching deck of a boat; wherever possible, if it were me, I'd see if I could don my gear and doff it IN the water.

ACL repairs are regarded as optional in sedentary patients or those who are putting minimal stress on the knee. I'm not sure how much impact this will have on frog kicking; the ACL primarily limits knee extension, which is not really an issue with frog kicking.

I'm not at all sure you need to put such strict limits on yourself on your trip, but if you have negotiated that with DAN, it's important to follow the rules you have agreed upon. There are certainly theoretical concerns about increased DCS risk in areas of acute injury, but to my knowledge, there are no studies quantifying what that risk IS.
For what it's worth I also have a detached acl in my left knee. First injury in high school while playing football, got it repaired but severed it again racing motocross. Repaired again and severed again playing beach volleyball. When I went for the surgery consult the surgeon looked like an nfl linebacker and had hands the size of a softball glove, so I said "heck no you aren't doing my surgery". That was 6 years ago, and I haven't had it repaired..I still dive, run, swim and lift heavy issues. It does hurt sometimes, but I can live with it.
Another one for the club! I suspect that anyone who was active in the younger years, and continues active sports/activities is going to go through some knee surgery! I had a nasty rugby injury in '86, which at the time they thought was just a strain. I'm betting it really tore the MCL and ACL, then in '92, I twisted it and really tore things up. MCL and meniscus surgery followed by recovery including some SoCal diving (lugging tanks up and down Pt. Vincente! and other cliff side goat paths!). Then by about '06 I noticed that when I picked up my leg, the lower leg below the knee would kind of swing back and forth a bit. Another MRI with an awesome sports surgeon, and he determined the ACL was non-existent so another surgery, this time done right with dead-guy spare parts, and removed and replaced MCL/ACL. Knee has been rock solid ever since and is actually a bit tighter than the non-impacted knee. .... Knee surgery is so much more advanced then 20 years ago, they make getting these things fixed right an easy affair.

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