Hello all,
As a former Chief Engineer and Captain for Nekton Diving Cruises, I am looking for feadback from all my fellow divers.
I have an oppurtunity to purchase the Nekton Rorqual and start a new Liveaboard Charter. I know this boat extremely well and know what needs to be done to get it in shape.
If I purchase this vessel it will be completely refit. Every thing from the gemerators to the sheets will be assesed and replaced as needed. The Rorqual was a beautiful boat with state of the art technology when she first launched and can be again.
I am considering itineraries including Belize, the Caymans, Cozumel, and possibly the island of Mayaguana in the southern Bahamas.
Please give let me know how you feel about this boat re-entering the industry and if you or your group would be interested in coming back out. I know a lot of you are former Nekton customers that became disillusioned and left for other companies. Are you interested in coming back?
Please post all fead back good or bad and I will answer all questions posted. Thanks to all for your time and consideration.
As a former Chief Engineer and Captain for Nekton Diving Cruises, I am looking for feadback from all my fellow divers.
I have an oppurtunity to purchase the Nekton Rorqual and start a new Liveaboard Charter. I know this boat extremely well and know what needs to be done to get it in shape.
If I purchase this vessel it will be completely refit. Every thing from the gemerators to the sheets will be assesed and replaced as needed. The Rorqual was a beautiful boat with state of the art technology when she first launched and can be again.
I am considering itineraries including Belize, the Caymans, Cozumel, and possibly the island of Mayaguana in the southern Bahamas.
Please give let me know how you feel about this boat re-entering the industry and if you or your group would be interested in coming back out. I know a lot of you are former Nekton customers that became disillusioned and left for other companies. Are you interested in coming back?
Please post all fead back good or bad and I will answer all questions posted. Thanks to all for your time and consideration.