Save $10 dive with Luna Beach

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Just to let anyone planning a trip to Roatan know. If you are diving in the west end all the dive shops will make you pay a $10 marine park donation (which goes to an NGO which works to minimise the damage tourism does to Roatans reef).

However one dive resort in the park does not support this initiative. So if you want to avoid paying this $10 donation then dive with Luna Beach.
if you're trying to give Laguna Beach good publicity, I must tell you you've failed miserably...:shakehead I have no idea whether that NGO actually does something or not...:confused: But I definetly do know that I would not encourage a dive OP that explicitly and publicly refuses to participate in what seems to the uninformed public, a conservation effort.:shakehead

When I was in Roatan, I gave the $$ to help keep the compression chamber open to the lobster fishermen, whether my money actually went towards that or not... It's not much on our part and seems to help at least a bit.

Sorry, but I had to let you know what I think of that kind of policy!:coffee:
if you're trying to give Laguna Beach good publicity, I must tell you you've failed miserably:

No, CodMan, I'm sorry to say that you have played directly into this troll's hands.

(A history of 3 posts, one has been removed. You do the math, no profile on top of it)

Before I'd believe this... well, the internet doesn't care. :letsparty: The bomb has been thrown.
Thanks R-Man...:shakehead Hadn't check anything out... Ahhh.. The joys of the internet!!!!:popcorn: :popcorn:

Hopefully, the moderator will erase the whole post...

Maybe I'm wrong but I assumed he/she was pointing out (obtusely) that Luna Beach is not putting money into what he/she considers a worthwhile fund. I assue this was more to get people to put pressure on Luna Beach. I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that this person is a "troll".

Either way, it's his/her right to post it and it's Luna Beach right to not pay it.
If someone is too cheap to contribute the $10/year to the Roatan West End / Sandy Bay Marine park they should not be diving in Roatan. Simple as that. We're talking $10 here - not a lot to pay for an organization that is working to protect the natural habitat that we are all out there to enjoy.

The fact that Luna Beach does not support the Marine Park is their problem. Considering they are already significantly more expensive than most of the West End / West Bay options, I can't imagine that it's doing much good.

Spend the $10 and help out.
Maybe Luna Beach knows something we don't? Might be this money is going to pay off the airport night staff so that drug planes can fuel up unmolested before hopping to the Florida coast. Anyone have the breakdown of how these funds are used?
I wouldn't jump to the conclusion that this person is a "troll".

The words used and the phraseology were designed to incite. This is a troll by definition.

And remember - we have no proof of truth of this yet.

The Marine Park makes me kind of snicker, anyway.

For years, Bill Evans of CoCoView bought and paid for, placed and maintained all of the moorings on the South side. He did this for many years as AKR continued to anchor, eventualy even they put in a few moorings of their own on the North and West.

The South side moorings are regularly trashed by boneheaded divemasters from all over the island- incorrect mooring techniques destroys the buoys and lines, costing time & money to replace... done by CoCoView. They were almost obliterated by the Bay Islands Aggressor until they placed their own high strength moorings.

Bill used to send the watchmen out to the reef pretty regularly to convince the Moskito divers (lobster grabbers to ply their trade elsewhere.

Now comes the rapid growth of North side dive ops. To make the North side viable as an area attractive to divers, they have had to place some deep wrecks. These magnificent dive sites had to be placed very deep because of the constant battering of the North side that the island withstands. Northers come crashing down and are hard on the bottom structure. The North side is way different than the South side. To attract critters, they have had to (attempt to) ban fishing. Divers there can now regularly spot familiar Caribbean denizens such as Grouper, Baracuda, Lobster, etc. Many DM's feed these critters to make them more accessable to divers.

The Marine Reserve is in place (in theory) to pay for North (and West) side mooring and to provide identifiably large fish for visiting divers to log into their books.

It will do good things for the economic growth of the resorts and dive ops. Unfortunately, unlike the very staid and retentive government of Bonaire, Roatan is part of Honduras. This country always makes it into the Top 5 Most Corrupt Nations. Where there is money, there is an argument.

You would figure that something as benneficial as this would have universal buy-in, but then again, you don't know the Honduran mind-set versus someplace like Bonaire.

No, what we have here, at best, is a display of infighting and whining... all on the poster's second post. Says something right there.

I understand that my statements will be regarded as my advocating the killing of puppies, but I have seen Honduras operate up-close and personal. Isn't it indicative enough that they simply do not have universal buy-in and enforcement and that niggling trolls have to post comments designed to provoke?

I am all for the concept of the Marine Reserve. I'd like to see them lay some groundwork and universal rules before they start buying boats and hiring people. As you can see from the provided link, they have no (required local) mandate, no (enforcement) authority, and no clear direction- other than to raise more money.

It's still worth the $ to me.

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