shark feeding pacific harbour .Fiji

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Been there, dove that........lagoon resort is real nice, the shark dive is awesome.
Both Beqa Divers and Aqua Trek do shark dives, Aqua Trek doesn't feed too much by hand (they place it on the bottom so viz gets silted out, where-as Beqa Divers is more an open water shark feed)

So whats your question Kiwi? Just got back from there 2 weeks ago, Kulu Bay Resort on Beqa Island is great!
cheers Rocky,
was just curious in general,
and really wanted to know if the shark diving was as good as what they promote on their web site's,as there are times dive operators ect will portray brillance and beauty but when you get there it is nothing but ,disappointment and
but thanks
I found that shark dive to be second best of the three I've been on. There were a few sharks (several reef and 2 bulls), and a tremendous number of other large fish, such as giant trevallies and groupers, including one grouper that had to weigh well over 300 pounds. A great dive if you are in the neighborhood and like that sort of thing. I personally would not let the dive dominate where I chose to go in Fiji.
Couple of my fav shark photos from the Beqa Shark's Surreal with all the fsih swarming around you........and you gotta respect a big fat bull shark. Even all the other sharks cleared a path when this big bad boy came through.....

Bula! Enjoy!


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I went to Beqa Lagoon Resort last June with a group from Maui. One day during our stay we did the shark dive with Beqa Adventure Divers. There were actually two dives. The first was a two-level dive, with feeding stops at 100 feet and 50 feet. The pattern at each stop was that tonnes of fish would arrive as soon as the food was opened. Very quickly, the fish were joined by reef sharks. After a few moments, the bull sharks would arrive and the reef sharks would vanish.

The second dive was to 50 feet. It began like the previous two stops: food, fish, reef sharks, and then bull sharks. However, after a few minutes, the bull sharks started acting wary. It almost looked like they were nervously looking "over their shoulders." Then off in the distance, we saw a large shark approach. Even before it arrived at the feeding, we could see the sqaure shaped snout and the stripes of a tiger shark. Once it arrived, all other sharks left. It did eat what was offered from time to time, but it seemed much more interested in swooping over the line of divers and watching our reactions. It seemed to enjoy the effect it was having on us. (Talking about it later, we all agreed that it wasn't fear so much as awe and deep respect; after all, we were looking at a 12-14 foot long shark that had scared away all the bull sharks!)

At one point, as the tiger shark was swimming up toward my end of the line of divers, I saw it close its eye. I remember thinking, "This isn't good." The diver next to me used his large UW camera and strobes assembly to "guide" the shark away from us. Being the good photographer that he is, he managed to take a picture of the undersde of the tiger shark. (He doesn't remember pressing the shutter, but he does have a picture of a textured, gray surface.)

The shark didn't seem to want to leave us. He kept cycling back and forth between eating something offered to him and swimming past the line of divers. The Beqa Adventure Divers staff tried to entice the tiger shark away from us, but he kept coming back.

After a while, my dive computer went into deco mode. (One by one, we all went into deco mode.) Fortunately, the attraction of the food finally overcame the tiger shark's interest in us, and we were able to ascend to our deco stop. However, the shark kept coming back toward us from time to time during the deco stop. Once we were all out of deco, folks started surfacing and returning to the boat. We had to go up in shifts; each time the tiger shark swam away, 2 or 3 divers were able to surface and get back on the boat.

In my dive log for this dive, my only comments are "TIGER SHARK!!!!!"

Granted, I have not been on a shark feed dive anywhere else in the world. However, I would still say that the shark dive in Beqa Lagoon is well worth the price of admission!

I did a shark dive with Beqa this past summer. It was awesome, probably about 10-15 good size sharks. Mostly reef sharks but a few bulls. Definately worth it, I was a little skeptical at first, but go for it!!
I've done it a few times. It rocks. Bull sharks were all over the place last month. No sign of Tigger though ;-)

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