Saturday After Thanksgiving Dive and Picnic @ Blue Heron Bridge

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BHB ScubaTroll

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Florida Diver
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It worked out so well last year because everyone pitched in to make it a success...

Here we go again!

High tide schedule - 4:43 PM

Entering the water 3:35 PM - 3:50 PM, diving Blue Heron Bridge (water temp - 75 - 78F) ... last year's morning bottom temp was 75

Exit the water 5:30 PM - 5:45 PM....

The park is open until 10:00 PM, so...

Picnic Party to follow the dives (it will be over before 10 PM or we continue it at KBeck's place!)

I'll bring BBQ Pulled Pork...

Anyone else interested?


Jim - pulled pork
Krista - salsa & oil
Walter & Nancy - fryer & oil
Jenny & Julie- pie
Sandy - 1 turkey, Chipotle Mac N Cheese
Brian - soda & rum
Dennis S - Stuffing (lots)
Showboat & Joni
deeper thoughts & spouse
Shark Bait (Kevin) & Jacynth
clofty & family (4 total) - something untraditional (and Tim Tams)
Bulla Family--2 adults, 3 rugrats (pie with Jenny)
DebbyDiver -- 2 burner propane stove, 2 pots, can bring chairs
LJMongy +2 (paper goods: plates, napkins, plastic ware, garbage bags)
speargirl (Becky) & Slate - corn on the cob
DennisW & Donna
zaberman1 + ? -- ?
ctx120 + 1 - turkey


MB - Manatee Burgers

So, that's 30-ish. Anyone coming that may be travelling from afar, or are not comfortable with cooking, it's always handy to bring dry goods: plates, napkins, plastic utensils, trash bags.

Also, anyone who can bring platters, bowls, etc, and some large utensils to help with the turkey would be great! I have some, but seem to recall last year an additional tong or long fork would have been helpful!

Guidelines for turkeys to be fried... (VERY IMPORTANT)

DO NOT BUY BUTTERBALL turkeys... they are injected with alot of water... not good for frying. Buy cheap "young" turkeys. It's ok... they fry the best.

13-15lb size is best. This weight is the size that will max out the fryer's capacity... therefore most "bang" for the buck (and cooking time).

The birds must be thouroughly defrosted... no exceptions. Please make sure the giblits are removed and the cavern is completely thawed and washed out. This is the number 1 reason for splatter, burns, and fires.

We DO NOT have running water at the cooking site to clean the birds!!

The oil will preheat for almost an hour to reach the right temp. The birds cook 3.5 min/lb. 15 lb bird cooks in about 55 minutes. Please make sure the birds arrive in time to cook properly.
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Some underwater pictures from last year's event











I'm sure others can add to this (above and below the water line)
I'll talk to Donna about it. It's possible. We will be in FL for Thanksgiving, but I have to go to Ft. Myers for sure while I am there.
Tenetively planning on being there. May be a bunch of us...
Well, I guess I'll be there.... :D

I'll be happy to provide cooking oil and flavorings, if someone's (hopefully) bringing the fryer.

I'll also bring other food--will fill in as others post their offerings--since I'm nearby, I can do more "fresh" stuff......maybe I'll even get energetic and make some salsa--it's been a while.......
mmm Krista's salsa! ...
we need a mouth watering smilie...
Gotta talk with Nancy, but as of now I'm planning to bring the turkey fryer and some oil.
Gotta talk with Nancy, but as of now I'm planning to bring the turkey fryer and some oil.

cooking type right :)

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