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Sr. Moderator
ScubaBoard Supporter
Reaction score
Near Pasadena, CA
# of dives
500 - 999
Welcome to the Dork Diver Forum. Please read, post and be willing to share your vast knowledge with the other Dork Divers.

Dork Divers is dedicated to diving for fun. This speaks for itself. We dive because we love it!

1. Dork Divers may safely use any type or color of dive gear.
We don't want any diver to be concerned about the color or mixture of colors their gear is. Some divers like all black ninja style gear while others prefer a mixture of colors. Whatever you like, we like!
Safety is a different issue. We encourage all divers to service their gear regularly by a qualified tech. We do not encourage DORK divers to ridicule other divers gear, no matter how it may appear to you.

2. Dork Divers may wear their mask on the forehead.
Wearing your mask on your forehead is not always a sign of distress, regardless of what PADI or other agencies say. It just easier to put on your forehead than around your neck. This is particularly true for divers with short or no necks. MOFH divers know the risk of loosing their mask when they put it there.

3. Dork Divers couldn't care less if your gear cost 10x what theirs did.
We know how much SCUBA gear costs. If you want to buy the most expensive gear available, good. We just don't need you telling us. Dork Divers do not necessarily subscribe to the theory that more money spent means you/we are safer divers. We do encourage using gear that is safe, comfortable and fun to use.

4. Dork Divers like diving in warm tropical seas.
We love diving and we love diving where it is beautiful, warm and the people are fun to be around. We love diving on vacation, weekends and it that means we can only dive 2 or 3 times a year or everyday, so be it.
We also know that diving in lakes, quarries, ponds, reservoirs and cold seas can also be great fun. But lets face it, a dive in the warm waters of the tropics is really nice!

5. Dork Divers don’t care about your SAC rate.
We do care about our own SAC (Surface Air Consumption Rate). We don't really care that you can last 4 hours on a single Aluminum 80 tank of gas. The only time it really matters is if you are made our dive buddy. Then still all we want to know is how long we, as a team can expect the dive to last.

6. Dork Divers don’t care about how deep you dive.
We dive for fun. This does not mean we are interested in hearing about your last dive to 160'. We are only concerned how deep this dive is planed for and if there is anything groovy to see down there.

7. Dork Divers don’t care about Trimix.
Remember, we dive for fun. We don't care about risking our lives by visiting some wreak that is 230' below our boat and we certainly do not want to hear about how dangerous or many people died on the last dive you were on. If however, diving that deep is fun for you, great!

8. Dork Divers don't flame posters on ScubaBoard.
We all learn a great deal on ScubaBoard. It is a great resource for divers. We do not like it when we get blasted after a post and we do not flame other posters. We offer fun and learned opinions, that is all.

9. Dork Divers respect the boat owner and deck hands.
Dork Divers respect the time, investment and risks the boat owners made in their boats and business. We also respect the rules and behave responsibly on these fun trips. We are good tippers and enjoy good service. We only expect the same behavior in others. We are only out there to dive, socialize and have a great time.

10. Dork Divers respect the environment, both above and below.
Dork Divers dive to observe and sometimes photograph the beauty below. We want future generations to experience the same. Take only pictures and leave only bubbles.

11. Dork Divers smile and enjoy the day, even if the dive is called.
Dork Divers dive for fun so if the boat/port or dive master calls the dive, its OK. We understand its for our safety. As far as we are concerned, its time to socialize and consume products normally reserved for after the day of diving is over. Remember DORK Divers are responsible people.

Ha that is a great list. Classic if I do say so my self. Then again I have five logged dives so far so I don't know if I am the most reliable source of what is classic or not?? In short at this point in my diving I can safely say i am a :dork2: diver (for now)!!


Brian D.
I agree it is a great list, this is what I am looking forward to from my diving; having fun with other divers and learning from their experience.
:dork2:Dork Divers Rule:dork2:
about item #2
why is it ok to lead other divers to believe that you are in distress? or is this practiced olny when out of range of other divers?
I look at the forums all the time, but have never been comfortable posting because I was afraid people would think I was a dork. I have found a home here and can let my inner :dork2: shine through.
I look at the forums all the time, but have never been comfortable posting because I was afraid people would think I was a dork. I have found a home here and can let my inner :dork2: shine through.

Welcome home!;)
about item #2
why is it ok to lead other divers to believe that you are in distress? or is this practiced olny when out of range of other divers?

Although wearing your mask on your forehead can be a sign of distress, it needs to be looked at in combination with other signs, and in and of itself is not really an issue. If you dare (and I don't suggest it) you can read the 1000's of posts on this, which is why #2 is on our list.

Most of our list was developed from the experiences of the Dork Diver community, and most flies in the face of certain groups of divers that subscribe to some specific rules and ideals or gear configurations that pertain to the way they think is "proper diving protocol". As Dork Divers, we don't discount those ideals, we just don't agree with some or all of them, and believe that as long as you dive in a safe manner for both you and your buddy, diving should be fun and free of the judgmental attitude some divers can possess. But until you have some experience, and know what you are comfortable with regarding gear and diving style I would just take it all in and not discount anything. You'll soon learn what is right for you.

Hope this helps.

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