FAQ Restricted Access Forums

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Restricted Access Forums​

ScubaBoard has a number of forums that require members to take specific actions to access them. These forums also exclude all search engine indexing used by services like Google and Bing.

Opt-in Forums (no approvals required)

The following forums can not be accessed by default but members can change their settings in Preferences.

The Pub​

Where off-topic is the topic. The Pub is a place where you can pretty much discuss topics that effect you, but aren't related to Scuba. The rules in here a more relaxed, and any topic is pretty much fair game.​

Surface Interval​

Welcome to the Surface Interval, where divers are free to chat about anything within the ToS and are free to let the conversation drift from topic to topic — much the same as chatting aboard the dive boat in between dives. While the rules here are a little more relaxed than in the regular forums, we do ask that you keep the conversations friendly, and to keep in mind that we have people from different countries, cultures and temperaments here.​

Covid & pandemic discussions​

The forum title says it all.​

Scuba Singles​

A ScubaBoard Club just for our single divers who are currently not married or dating and who are 18+.​

How to Opt-in​

Members may opt-into these forums by:

Click on your Avatar to drop this menu down and click Preferences.

Then scroll down to Opt-in Forums and click on the check-boxes for forums you want to access.


ScubaBoard Supporter's Forum​

The Member Support Forum is automatically available to ScubaBoard Supporters and Sponsors.

Forums that require Staff confirmation/approval​

ScubaBoard maintains PRIVATE forums that are restricted to various industry professionals for discussing shared interests.

Members can apply by clicking "Report" at the bottom of this post (see below for details).

Enter the required information listed below for the forum you want to access.
  1. The easiest way is to select & copy the information
  2. Paste it into the "Report content" box
  3. Edit each field
  4. Click the Report button.
This information is only used for verification and is not shared with anyone.


Business to Business Forum​

This is a PRIVATE forum where recreational diving industry professionals discuss their work. Dive retail, OEMs, sales reps, travel agents, hotels/resorts, liveaboards, day boats, and related services are welcome to apply.​

Required Information:
Click Report at the bottom of this post and enter the following information:
  • Business Group
  • Name:
  • Business/organization name:
  • Location:
  • Website: (if available)

Captain to Captain Forum​

This is a PRIVATE forum where licensed Captains discuss their work.​
  • Captain Group
  • Name: (as it appears on the license)
  • Issuing Authority and Country:
  • Tonnage/Class: (if applicable)
  • Date issued:
  • Expiration date:

Instructor to Instructor Forum​

This is a PRIVATE forum where certified Divemasters and Instructors discuss their work. Certified PADI Divemasters and instructors will also be given access to the PADI Pros forum.
  • Divemaster or Instructor Group (specify which)
  • Name: (as it appears on your certification)
  • Issuing agency:
  • Highest pro certification:
  • Member or certification number:
  • Date issued:
  • Expiration date: (if any)
  • Date of Birth: (if your agency requires it for verification)

Approval Process​

ScubaBoard Staff will review and your verify your application. You will receive a Direct Message informing you of approval, asking for more information, or that the application does not qualify.

Please be patient! We receive a high volume of requests and our volunteers must manually process every application to verify their information and insure only credentialled members gain access.

A Friendly Reminder...

These forums are for professionals to discuss serious matters that impact their work. You are expected to act accordingly or your access may be revoked.

Use Report to correct broken links, typos, or make suggestions.

I will approve this change, but I have locked the thread to further replies.

Responding in this thread is not how to request access.

Y'all are like trying to teach new open water students who did a try-a dive and think they understand without reading the manual.
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