Air Integration Failure Yesterday

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This weekend I was doing AOW training in Ft Lauderdale. Friday I did 2 dives (nav and drift) and was supposed to do the other 3 dives on Saturday. Saturday, the sea was too rough to go out, so now I have to go back another time to finish (sucks, but that's not the story).

Anyway, I got on the boat Saturday and put my equipment together in preparation for diving (before the trip was called off). My Suunto Vyper Air showed "fail" on the display which worked perfectly the day before. A week before I purchased a Highland Millworks SPG as a backup, which showed a full tank.

I took the unit into the LDS today upon returning home from the trip and the shop verified that the computer (not the transmitter) was indeed not working properly and they'll be sending it in for warranty tomorrow.

Moral of the story is, although I didn't dive anyway due to weather, I could have due to the backup SPG.
This weekend I was doing AOW training in Ft Lauderdale. Friday I did 2 dives (nav and drift) and was supposed to do the other 3 dives on Saturday. Saturday, the sea was too rough to go out, so now I have to go back another time to finish (sucks, but that's not the story).

Anyway, I got on the boat Saturday and put my equipment together in preparation for diving (before the trip was called off). My Suunto Vyper Air showed "fail" on the display which worked perfectly the day before. A week before I purchased a Highland Millworks SPG as a backup, which showed a full tank.

I took the unit into the LDS today upon returning home from the trip and the shop verified that the computer (not the transmitter) was indeed not working properly and they'll be sending it in for warranty tomorrow.

Moral of the story is, although I didn't dive anyway due to weather, I could have due to the backup SPG.

Good luck with this. I wrestled with a similar problem with the Suunto Vytec hoseless computer. For years. Sent it to the factory, to factory rep., several times. Even bought another unit thinking this to be a lemon. About a month ago both computers (one worn by my wife) showed "fail" over the Speigel. I had a back up brass and glass which is now my permanent gear, and wife called the dive. I have totally given up on Suunto transmitter but am still very happy with the wrist computer used with a gauge. Sometimes I am just hard to convince.
Just for my information, was the failure just with reading the pressure from the transmitter or did the computer just "die" not even allowing for usea as non-AI?

I have to say that I haven't read of a lot of cases where the AI completely fails. Plenty of "bad-syncing" issues regarding the Suuntos, but not many failures. I wonder how common these really are...

Luckily, I've never had a problem with my hoseless AI (Oceanic Atom 2.0) but I do have a backup SPG on my setup as a precaution. The debate of having or not having an SPG when diving hoseless AI is always controversial here in SB, although most seem to agree on the "it's a good idea to have a backup" philosophy, including me.
Big Willy, the computers read "fail" and this was just a failure of the transmitters to relay air pressure (inability to link). The computers themselves work flawlessly. Oddly enough I also have an Oceanic VT3 hoseless which has never had a problem but I prefer the info on Suunto.
Just got a call from the LDS who worked with Aqualung over the phone to get the unit reading pressure again. I don't know the details yet, but will find out tonight if I get off work in time to pick up the computer. I'll post later with details...
This usually happens with my Vyper Air when I turn the air on and the computer is still in the gear bag or I accidentally activate the computer away from the transmitter.
Clear the code or re-sync and away we go.
This usually happens with my Vyper Air when I turn the air on and the computer is still in the gear bag or I accidentally activate the computer away from the transmitter.
Clear the code or re-sync and away we go.
Thanks! Apparently I did something like you described. When on the boat, I didn't have the manual with me and didn't take the time to try to figure out the menu to get to the re-sync feature. It's working now. Regardless, at the time I was glad I had the backup SPG. I've only got a handful of dives on the Vyper Air and am still learning it's features (beyond the basics anyway). I realize that I should have spent more time practicing working with the feature set before I went diving.
I did the same thing. I was on multiple dives and dive no 4 I did not sync the transmiter and watch before jumping in. I got initial psi reading and then fail. I took my bcd off when in water and tried to sync but was unable to do so. Since computer was in water, I was unable to enter menus and clear the code. I gave up after a few mins, but dm was really cool and offered to keep an eye on my small spg mounted on the first stage for a quick dive. I know this is not recommended, but dive was real short and I had a full tank. Anyway, you have to read manual and sync before every dive. Code will flash and now I have yet to have an issue.
I did the same thing. I was on multiple dives and dive no 4 I did not sync the transmiter and watch before jumping in. I got initial psi reading and then fail. I took my bcd off when in water and tried to sync but was unable to do so. Since computer was in water, I was unable to enter menus and clear the code. I gave up after a few mins, but dm was really cool and offered to keep an eye on my small spg mounted on the first stage for a quick dive. I know this is not recommended, but dive was real short and I had a full tank. Anyway, you have to read manual and sync before every dive. Code will flash and now I have yet to have an issue.
The code won't clear if you have the air turned on. Turn the air off, purge the air from the hoses, clear the code, turn the air back on and it should sync.
Sounds to me like the title of this thread is kind of misleading. It suggests something was wrong with the computer.

The problem was operator error. No offense, but that's really the truth of it.


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